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“He took like, two nook panels right here, so we have now a little bit of a large number.” “He got here in via right here and simply knocked down all of our bushes,” mentioned Anna Zarnowski, surveying the harm in her yard. SIGN UP TODAY: Get every day headlines, breaking information emails from FOX6 Information The fence was taken out, the bushes had been flattened and the house owner at fifteenth Place and Cleveland is upset. The driving force left the scene, but it surely was all captured on surveillance and that truck had a transparent enterprise title on the aspect of it. MILWAUKEE – Police are investigating after a dump truck got here barreling via an alleyway on Milwaukee’s south aspect, taking out a fence, hitting a automobile and narrowly lacking some youngsters.

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Police are investigating after a dump truck got here barreling via an alleyway on Milwaukee’s south aspect, taking out a fence, hitting a automobile and narrowly lacking some youngsters.

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Dump truck driver destroys Milwaukee lady’s yard in hit-and-run

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